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여행자를 위한 필수 영어 문구: 예상되는 상황 예시 질문과 답변

Botanik 2024. 9. 10.

외국으로 여행하는 것은 흥미롭기도 하고 부담스러울 수도 있습니다. 

특히 현지 언어에 능통하지 않다면 더욱 그렇습니다. 

글로벌 언어로 널리 인식되고 있는 영어는 해외 의사소통 시 유용한 도구가 될 수 있습니다. 

원활한 여행 경험을 보장하려면 몇 가지 필수 영어 문구를 

익히는 것이 큰 변화를 가져올 수 있습니다. 

해외여행을 앞두고 있어 실제 여행 시나리오와

일반적인 질문 및 답변을 살펴보면 도움이 될 것 같았어요.

당신이 공항에 있든, 식당에 있든, 길을 물을 때든,

이 표현들은 여행 중에 더 자신감을 갖는 데 도움이 될 것입니다.


1) 공항에서: 체크인 및 보안 검색대 통과


a) Check-In Counter (체크인 카운터)


At the check-in counter, agents will ask for your travel documents

and sometimes verify your flight details.


  • Question: “May I see your passport and ticket, please?”
    • Answer: “Sure, here they are.”
  • Question: “Do you have any checked luggage?”
    • Answer: “Yes, I have one suitcase to check in.”

If you have specific requests like seat preferences,

make sure to communicate them politely.


  • Question: “Do you have any seating preferences?”
    • Answer: “Can I have a window seat, please?”


b) Security Check (보안점검)


Security procedures are often a stressful part of traveling,

but being prepared with the right phrases can reduce the anxiety.


  • Question: “Do you have any liquids in your carry-on?”
    • Answer: “Yes, I have a small bottle of shampoo under 100 ml.”
  • Question: “Please remove your shoes and place them in the bin.”
    • Answer: “Okay, no problem.”


c) Immigration (입국 수속)


Immigration officers may ask about the purpose and duration of your trip.

Keep your answers short and clear.


  • Question: “What is the purpose of your visit?”
    • Answer: “I’m here for tourism.”
  • Question: “How long are you staying?”
    • Answer: “I’ll be here for 10 days.”
  • Question :"Where will you be staying?"
    • Answer: "I’ll be staying at [hotel name/address] or with [friend/family member]."
  • Question: "Do you have a return ticket?"
    • Answer: "Yes, I have a return flight on [date].


2) 길 묻기: 새로운 도시 탐색

목적지에 도착하면 새로운 도시를 돌아다니는 것이 어려울 수 있습니다. 

대중교통을 이용하든, 단순히 걸어가든 방향을 묻고 응답을 이해하는 것이 중요합니다.


a) Basic Questions for Directions (뱡향에 대한 기본 질문)


Getting lost is common when exploring unfamiliar places.

Luckily, asking for directions in English is simple and effective.


  • Question: “Excuse me, how do I get to [destination]?”
    • Answer: “Go straight for two blocks and then turn left.”
  • Question: “Is it far from here?”
    • Answer: “No, it’s about a 10-minute walk.”

Sometimes, locals might suggest public transport options:

  • Question: “Which bus do I take to get to the city center?”
    • Answer: “You can take bus number 12 from this stop.”


b) Clarifying Directions (명확한 지침)


If you didn’t catch the answer the first time or need more clarification,

don't hesitate to ask them to repeat or slow down.


  • Question: “Could you say that again, please?”
    • Answer: “Sure, go straight and then turn right at the second traffic light.”


Understanding landmarks can also be helpful when finding your way.

  • Question: “Is it near any landmarks?”
    • Answer: “Yes, it’s right next to the big shopping mall.”


c) Using Maps and GPS (지도 및 GPS 사용)


If you’re having trouble finding a place,

using your phone’s GPS or a map can be a lifesaver.


  • Question: “Can you point it out on the map?”
    • Answer: “Sure, it’s here, just a few blocks away.”
  • Question: “Is there a subway station nearby?”
    • Answer: “Yes, the nearest one is two blocks to the east.


3) 레스토랑에서: 음식 주문 및 메뉴 이해

다른 나라에서 식사하는 것은 여행의 즐거움 중 하나이지만, 

메뉴가 낯설거나 특정 식단이 필요한 경우 음식을 주문하는 것이 어려울 수 있습니다. 

몇 가지 핵심 문구를 알면 이 상황을 쉽게 헤쳐나가는 데 도움이 될 것입니다.


a) Making a Reservation (예약하기)


If you plan on eating at a popular restaurant,

it’s a good idea to make a reservation ahead of time.


  • Question: “Do you have a reservation?”
    • Answer: “Yes, it’s under the name [Your Name].”


If you don’t have one, you can ask about availability.

  • Question: “Do you have any tables available?”
    • Answer: “We have a table available in 15 minutes.”


b) Ordering Food (음식 주문)


Once seated, you’ll need to know how to order from

the menu or ask for recommendations.


  • Question: “Can I see the menu, please?”
    • Answer: “Of course, here it is.”

If you’re unsure about a dish, ask the waiter for more information.


  • Question: “What do you recommend?”
    • Answer: “The seafood pasta is very popular.”


You can also clarify specific dietary requirements.


  • Question: “Do you have any vegetarian options?”
    • Answer: “Yes, we have several vegetarian dishes on the menu.”


c) Paying the Bill (계산하기)


After finishing your meal, you’ll need to ask for the bill

and understand the tipping culture.


  • Question: “Can I have the bill, please?”
    • Answer: “Certainly, here it is.”

In some countries, tipping is customary:


  • Question: “Is service included in the bill?”
    • Answer: “Yes, it’s included.” / “No, it’s not, but a 10% tip is customary.”



여행은 신나는 모험이지만 언어 장벽으로 인해 불필요한 스트레스가 가중될 수 있습니다. 

이러한 필수 영어 문구에 익숙해지면 공항을 탐색하고, 길을 묻고, 

훨씬 쉽고 자신 있게 외식을 할 수 있습니다. 

여행 전에 이 표현들을 연습하고, 현지인들과 대화할 때 

예의 바르게 인내심을 갖는 것을 잊지 마세요. 

실수를 하더라도 대부분의 사람들은 자신의 언어로 말하려는 노력에 

감사할 것이며 기꺼이 도와줄 것입니다.

여행은 연결을 만들고, 새로운 문화를 경험하고, 시야를 넓히는 것입니다. 

적어도 위에 예상되는 질문 및 답변을 잘 사용하면

즐겁고 원활한 여행을 시작하실 수 있습니다. 

Safe travels!

